Uncle Tom's Cabin
Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Recommended For: High School
Retail Price: $12.00
Our Price: $10.99
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Recommended For: High School
Uncle Tom's Cabin brought the evils of slavery to the consciences and hearts of the American people by its moving portrayal of slave experience. Harriet Beecher Stowe shows us in scenes of great dramatic power the human effects of an economic system in which slaves were property: the break up of families, the struggles for freedom, the horrors of plantation labor. She brings into fiction the different voices of the emerging American nation, the Southern slave-owning classes, Northern abolitionists, children, the sorrow songs and dialect of slaves, as well the language of political debate and religious zeal. The novel was, and is, controversial, abrasive in its demand for change, yet also brilliant in the deployment of dialogue, with great comic skill and a power of pathos that made it a runaway bestseller in its time that continues to move us today. A classic that should not be missed in a study of the Civil War. Though language at times is difficult, we have read it aloud with great success to ages from 8-15.
About the Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1811, the seventh child of a well-known Congregational minister, Lyman Beecher. The family moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where she met and married Calvin Stowe, a professor of Theology in 1836. Living just across the river Ohio from the slaveholding state of Kentucky and becoming aware of the plight of escaping slaves led her to write Uncle Tom's Cabin, published in book form in 1852. She wrote the novel amid the difficulties of bringing up a family of six children. The runaway success of Uncle Tom's Cabin made its author a well-known public figure. The book sold more copies than any book other than the Bible and caused Abraham Lincoln to exclaim upon meeting her, during the Civil War, "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war!" Stowe died in 1896.
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- ISBN: 9780140390032
- Pages: 629
- Publication Date:
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- Media: Paperback