We asked our community of homeschoolers to give us tips for the wave of parents finding themselves homeschooling in the midst of COVID19. Here’s what homeschool moms around the world have to say below.
Try teaching outdoors when you can. Since this will be an adjustment for your kids, take the first 3-4 days to simply BE together. Have realistic expectations to avoid meltdowns. Be flexible. Give grace to yourself and your kids. Do something intentional with each of your children each day. Focus on enjoying life with them and chasing the spark of learning. Linger on something your kid is doing or interested in for as long as they want. Embrace home! Read in blankets snuggled on the sofa. Watch movies and documentaries. Relax and take it slow. Let them be bored! While they’re melting down, read. When they’re fighting, read. When they’re tired, read. Embrace a bit of mess. Mess means creativity. Have fun! Read aloud, do puzzles, build a fort, and cook together. Relax and enjoy your children. Put out items to spark interest and let the kids use their creativity. Read, read, & read! (with some tea or hot chocolate of course!) Read! Take it slow. Don’t adhere to a strict schedule. Read together, play games, and go study nature. Go out, nature walks! Take breaks! You don’t have to be “doing school” for 8 hours straight. Read aloud to your kids. Pick a book that you and they will enjoy. Be kind to yourself and kind to your kids.
As you can see a major theme is picking up a book and reading! We couldn't agree more. If you find yourself at home, new to homeschooling, and asking yourself what books should I read to my kids, we can help! We've organized all our books by grade range so you can choose books written for your children's grade level. You can check that out here: http://www.bfbooks.com/Books/Books-by-Reading-Level