The Wright Brothers for Kids
The Wright Brothers for Kids
Author: Mary Kay Carson
Recommended For: 3rd Grade and Up
Retail Price: $19.99
Our Price: $18.99
The Wright Brothers for Kids
Author: Mary Kay Carson
Recommended For: 3rd Grade and Up
This activity book tells the amazing true story of how two bicycle-making brothers from Ohio, with no more than high-school educations, accomplished a feat that forever changed the world. At a time when most people still hadn't ridden in an automobile, Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first powered, heavier-than-air flying machine. Woven throughout the heartwarming story of the two brothers are activities that highlight their ingenuity and problem-solving abilities as they overcame many obstacles to achieve controlled flight.
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- ISBN: 9781556524776
- Pages: 160
- Publication Date:
- Version:
- Media: Paperback
