Early American History 4-6 Pack
Early American History 4-6 Pack
Author: Rea Berg & Rebecca Manor
Recommended For: 4-6th Grade
Retail Price: $299.38
Our Price: $245.95
Early American History 4-6 Pack
Author: Rea Berg & Rebecca Manor
Recommended For: 4-6th Grade
Learning history is most useful when it shows us what we can aspire to and what we ought to avoid or correct. When homeschool students complete this book study, we hope that they will hold in honor those heroic individuals who sacrificed for the good of our country, that they will understand the basic foundations of civil and religious liberty unique to America's founding, and that they will be able to celebrate the rich mosaic of people who contributed to the founding and development of this nation. We hope that learning about both the triumphs and the tragedies of our history will cultivate a desire in students to be a part of our nation’s continued striving toward a “more perfect union” for all.
*Be sure to download the free packet that accompanies this study. *Note: If you are teaching multiple students, we recommend that each child have their own Timeline and Notebook.
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Customize Your Pack Here *Charter School Notes: When purchasing this curriculum Pack through a charter school, we remove the Teacher Guide as it contains religious content. Families can purchase this item individually in the Included Books section above.
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