Modern American and World 6-8 Pack
Modern American and World 6-8 Pack
Author: Jonathan Crabtree & Rea Berg
Recommended For: 6-8th Grade
Retail Price: $333.51
Our Price: $269.95
Modern American and World 6-8 Pack
Author: Jonathan Crabtree & Rea Berg
Recommended For: 6-8th Grade
*Updated for 2024! This updated and expanded edition now includes the added benefits of covering a wider historical time period with new literature. Students will not only learn about the Civil War, Reconstruction, the turn of the century, both World Wars, Civil Rights, Korean War, Vietnam War, and contemporary America, they will also cover the Dust Bowl, the suffrage movement, and 9/11. Additional historical background, Rabbit Trails (featuring many book recommendations by section), and a customer-favorite in the Historic Table featuring historical recipes, this redesigned teacher guide will help parents easily reference resources to make teaching the course even more enjoyable. The changes that came about in the twentieth century were unprecedented in history. From the very first global conflict to the development of the atomic bomb, modernization took on a pace that rapidly changed towns, cities, and individuals around the world. The resistance to tyranny in both worlds wars, in the civil rights movement, the Cold War, 9/11, and the war on terror, called forth heroism, sacrifice, and determination in men, women, and young people of good will to resist these forces. The struggle for equality, justice, and basic human rights continues today. This is the perfect follow-up to those who have already completed our Early American Intermediate course. This curriculum uses the second-half of A Child's First Book of American History by Earl Schenck Miers as well as a host of new and classic literature. Want to see more? Click here to download a free teacher guide sample! This is the perfect follow-up to those who have already completed our Early American Intermediate course. This curriculum uses the second-half of A Child's First Book of American History by Earl Schenck Miers as well as a host of new and classic literature.
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Customize Your Pack Here *Charter School Notes: When purchasing this Pack through a charter school we remove the book Sergeant York as it contains religious content. Families can purchase those items individually via the Included Books button above.
2024 Practical Homeschooling
Magazine Reader Awards
Literature - 1st Place
Geography - 1st Place
Unit Studies - 1st Place
Music Appreciation - 1st Place
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