It’s another day in the office. And as I continue to work in the social media world of homeschooling I find myself constantly amazed at the joy, wonder, and encouragement from all the women on this journey.
Since, I myself am a single woman with no kids I figured there may be a gap in my understanding of the homeschool world out there. And yes, there is quite a difference in our lives. However, I feel connected to your journeys because of your willingness to live open lives in raw vulnerability. This vulnerability connects us, no matter the stage of life we are in.
Single, married, mom, widow, homeschooler, or wherever we may be in the journey-- our vulnerability connects us to one another. I believe that vulnerability is oftentimes birthed in our curiosity.
Working at Beautiful Feet Books has given me a platform to be curious and follow my wonder. I love getting the opportunity to use this platform of curiosity. The other day in the office there was a question tugging on my heart. I decided to ask the question on Instagram.I was astonished as the responses.
The variety.
The vulnerability.
The truth of the journey.
I asked the question, “How would you describe your homeschool journey in one word?”
It was the culmination of reading the flood of responses all at once that moved me.
Magical. Golden. Rollercoaster. Unpredictable.
Treasured. Evolving. Connectedness. Healing. Wild
Conflicting. Worthwhile. Exciting. Adventure. Fulfilling
Grow. Blessed. Unknown. Rewarding. Eclectic
Togetherness. Bilingual. Emotional. Wonder. Living Education
Unexpected. Chaotic. Chaos. Understanding. Brillant. Rocky
Beginning. New. Stretching. Released. Belonging
Slow. Life-changing. Fortifying. Humbling. Sanctifying
Discover. Unburdened. Fantastical. Scattered. Busy. Rich
Enlightening. Challenging. Living Education. Transient.
As I read, I am reminded that our journeys change.
Some of you will homeschool for a year and some for 15 years. Some of you may feel chaos and togetherness all within the same day. What I think is undeniably important in the vulnerability of these responses is this:
Wherever you are in your homeschool journey, it will change.
You will grow.
You will be emotional.
It will feel unknown.
It will be an adventure.
At times magical.
Other days unpredictable.
It will be humbling.
Maybe even slow.
But definitely life-changing.
So press into the wild.
Ride the rollercoaster.
It’s okay to feel conflicted.
This journey is about connectedness.
So never lose your wonder.