Charter School: Ancient History 5-8 Pack
Charter School: Ancient History 5-8 Pack
Author: Rebecca Manor
Recommended For: 5-8th Grade
Retail Price: $159.73
Our Price: $122.95
Charter School: Ancient History 5-8 Pack
Author: Rebecca Manor
Recommended For: 5-8th Grade
Charter-Approved Pack The following religious items were removed and the price adjusted accordingly: •Ancient History Intermediate Teacher Guide •Adara •The White Isle
We have been notified by the publisher that the Encyclopedia of the Ancient World has fallen out of print. Because this title is required for the course you are using, we have made it available as a digital download. Upon purchasing you will receive a short .pdf with instructions directing where to access this priceless resource! Discover the mysterious and fascinating Ancient world! This was a time when humankind was making leaps and bounds as the written word was established, the wheel invented, and ziggurats and pyramids arose amid societies typically thought of as rudimentary. Each section is built around engaging and historically accurate literature. This study will take you and your 5th-8th grader from the beginnings of civilization in Mesopotamia and Sumer, on to ancient Egypt, through the wanderings of the Jews and the splitting of the Israelites into the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the cradle of democracy, ancient Greece, and into the rising Roman Empire and the birth of Christianity. Hands-on activities add depth to the history while vocabulary lists, comprehension questions, research topics, and website links make this both an academically strong study and one that will engage your entire family in stimulating discussions. Our teacher guide provides the structure you want and the flexibility you need to successfully teach this complex time period.
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