A letter to moms who don't like to readby Rebecca Manor

Dear Sweet Mama,
First off, don’t feel bad. It is never too late to develop an interest in reading. It may be that formal education has made reading seem like a chore instead of an adventure, or a way of relaxing, or a way of getting to know yourself a little better. For millions of people, reading is something you only do if you have to, but it can be so much more. Collectively, we all enjoy a good story. If you can find the stories that interest you, you will be on your way to enjoyable reading.
You may want to look at this task as a family adventure in discovering great stories. Start off easy - do not try to tackle the classics or some list of 100 books you have to read before you die. Those sorts of lists have their purpose, but for a reading newbie, they can be discouraging and defeating. Make an effort to read aloud to your children - you'll be surprised at how interesting well-written young adult literature can be! Look for lists of great children's books and consult Honey for A Child's Heart and For the Children's Sake. These two titles provide great lists of books that you can read aloud with your children.
Developing a love of anything requires an investment of time. Great artists aren't just born, they study and work hard at their craft. And people who take to reading naturally also work at it. Even though it hasn't been your natural inclination to read for fun, it is a skill that you can invest time and energy in pursuing. Even those who have always loved reading have times when it's much more appealing to surf the internet, watch a TV show, or just do something else. We go through phases where we do not read great literature, or informative non-fiction. At times, we may just want to escape into a spy novel or silly "chick lit" novel. And that's fine.
A great stepping stone towards enjoying reading is finding books on your topics of interest. Maybe fiction is not your thing and you are more interested in non-fiction, history, or biography. Check out the NYT bestsellers lists for inspiration. They list both fiction and non-fiction and you may find a title that sparks your interest. And make sure to ask your friends for suggestions - they know you and your interests and will likely be able to give you good recommendations. You may even consider joining a book club as that will give you an opportunity to discuss the books and make your reading more of a social experience.
Just remember, Reading, like anything, is something that has peaks and valleys. And as you grow in your reading you will discover that both will offer their own opportunities for growth.
The Beautiful Feet Books Team